This series contains the records of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. The rcords consist of reports and publications from the departmental library.
This series contains records of the Department of Agriculture and Biolgoical Engineering. The records consist of correspondence and files relating to the research of professors Gerald Christenberry, Charles Privette, Darrell Roberts, Richard Spray and Francis Wolak. Included in the series are research papers presented at meetings of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
This series contains records of the Department of Agricultrual Economics and Rural Sociology. The records consist of correspondence, reserach reports and publications produced by the departmetn. Included in the series are reserach files of professors Harold Harris, Lynn Harwell, Johnny Jordan, Max Loyd, Edward McLean, Robert Pomeroy, James Rathwell, C. Parr Rosson, Dan Smith, Russell Sutton, William Tinsley, and Byron Webb.
This series contains the records of the Department of Agronomy and Soils.
This series contains the records of the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. The records consist of administrative reference files, reports, and newsletters.
This series contains the records of the Department of Animal, Biomedical and Biological Sciences. The records consist of corresondence, email, meeting minutes, and memoranda from the office of the Director.