This series contains the records of the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics. The records consist of files relating to the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics, the College of Agricultural Sciences, and the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences.
This series contains the records of the Department of Architectural Studies. The records consist of correspondence, minutes of meetings, and reports.
This series contains the records of the Department of Athletics. The records consist of correspondence, minutes, publications, reference files and reports.
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, photographs, and publications.
This series contains the records of the Department of Chemistry. The records consist of correspondence files, minutes of departmental meetings, and reports related to accreditation.
This series contains the records of the Department of Construction Science and Management. The records consist of correspondence, reference files, and minutes.
This series contains the records of the Department of Entomology. The records consist of administrative reference files.
This series contains the records of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences. The series consists of reference files and minutes.
The series contains the records of the Department of Family and Youth Development. The records consist of annual reports, audiovisual materials, brochures, certificates, clippings, correspondence, evaluations, grant proposals, guidelines, listings, memoranda, minutes, notes, pamphlets, questionaires, and reports. Also included in the collection are photographs and slides. Prominent correspondents include Glenn H. Krohn and Elaine T. Klatt.