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Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 624

Department of Management Records

Identifier: Series-0071
Scope and contents

This series of records consists of minutes, memoranda, publications, and correspondence. The records are arranged alphabetically by subject. Documented in the records are activities of administration and faculty, research projects, and activities of committees, most notably curriculum and its expansion to include graduate degrees in Management. Primary correspondents include department heads Michael Stahl and Herlie Hendrix.

Dates: 1973 - 1995; 1991 - 1995

Department of Marketing Records

Identifier: Series-0085

This series contains correspondence, minutes of meetings, and curriculum and course information.

Dates: 1980-1997

Department of Mathematical Sciences Records

Identifier: Series-0182
Scope and Content

This series contains the records of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The records consist of administrative reference files and correspondence and research project files.

Dates: 1988 - 1999

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Identifier: Series-0178

Department of News Services

Identifier: Series-0054

Department of News Services: News Releases

Identifier: Series-0063
Description: This series includes news releases pertaining to most aspects of Clemson with the exception of the University’s Athletic Department and College of Agriculture Public Service programs. As such, information about the activities of students, staff, faculty, alumni and the Board of Trustees can be found in the news releases. They serve as an excellent source for information about newsworthy activities at Clemson from the viewpoint of the University. Frequent topics covered are awards to...
Dates: 1956 - 1985

Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Department Files

Identifier: Series-0059
Scope and Content Note This series contains the files of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. The records originated in the office of the department head Herbert Brantley. The correspondence documents the activities and operations of the department and includes memoranda, minutes of departmental meetings, publications, photographs and news releases. Brantley's correspondence covers subjects such as the South Carolina Outdoor Recreation Participation Council, graduate programs, research,...
Dates: 1964 - 1996; 1976 - 1987

Department of Performing Arts Records

Identifier: Series-0150
Scope and Content

This series contains the records of the Department of Performing Arts. The records consist of departmental reference files, marketing files, and publications associated with performances.

Dates: 1993 - 2002

Department of Physics and Astronomy Records

Identifier: Series-0151
Scope and Content

This series contains the records of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The records consist of administrative reference files, correspondence, reports and laboratory manuals.

Dates: 1957 - 2001

Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture Records

Identifier: Series 162
Scope and Content

This series contains the records of the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture. The records consist of correspondence files and minutes of meetings.

Dates: 1979 - 2007

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Photographs. 44
Correspondence. 19
Scrapbooks. 19
Agriculture -- South Carolina. 16
Pendleton (S.C.) -- History. 16
∨ more
Audiocassettes. 15
Textile industry -- South Carolina. 14
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. 13
Account books 12
Agricultural extension work -- South Carolina. 12
Clemson University -- History 12
Fort Hill Plantation (S.C.) 12
Maps (documents) 11
Speeches (documents) 11
Clemson (S.C.) -- History. 10
College trustees -- South Carolina. 10
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1951- 9
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. -- South Carolina 8
Clippings (information artifacts) 8
Daybooks 8
Advertisements 7
Diaries. 7
Education -- South Carolina. 7
Forests and forestry -- South Carolina. 7
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Pendleton. 7
Minutes 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
Anderson County (S.C.) -- History. 6
Architectural drawings (visual works) 6
Civil rights -- South Carolina. 6
Hartwell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) 6
Historic buildings -- South Carolina. 6
Journals (accounts) 6
Oconee County (S.C.) -- History. 6
Pendleton (S.C.) 6
South Carolina -- Biography. 6
South Carolina -- Genealogy. 6
South Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 6
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950 6
South Carolina -- Politics and government. 6
South Carolina. -- Architecture 6
Textile factories -- History -- Sources. -- South Carolina 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States. 6
Articles 5
Blueprints (reprographic copies) 5
Clemson University -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Commencement ceremonies -- South Carolina -- Clemson. 5
Conservation of natural resources. 5
Deeds 5
Elections -- South Carolina. 5
Galley proofs 5
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Pickens County. 5
Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration. 5
Land use. 5
Motion pictures (visual works) 5
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) -- South Carolina. 5
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 5
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865. 5
South Carolina -- Race relations. 5
United States -- National parks and reserves -- Management 5
Accounts 4
African Americans -- South Carolina. 4
Agricultural education -- South Carolina. 4
Agriculture -- History. -- South Carolina 4
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. 4
Artifacts (object genre) 4
Audiotapes. 4
Certificates 4
Charleston (S.C.) -- History. 4
Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) -- History. 4
Constitutions 4
Genealogies (histories) 4
Governors -- South Carolina 4
Greenville (S.C.) -- History 4
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Anderson County. 4
Hobcaw Barony (S.C.) 4
Home economics extension work -- South Carolina. 4
Industries -- South Carolina. 4
Ledgers (account books) 4
Lynching -- South Carolina. 4
Microfilms 4
National parks and reserves -- United States -- Planning 4
Patents. 4
Pendleton (S.C.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 4
Pendleton (S.C.) -- Genealogy. 4
Pickens County (S.C.) -- History. 4
Plantations -- South Carolina. 4
Posters. 4
Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1964 4
Prisoners of war -- United States. 4
Seneca (S.C.) -- History. 4
Sketches 4
Slavery -- South Carolina. 4
South Carolina -- History. 4
South Carolina. -- 4-H clubs 4
States' rights (American politics) 4
Textile industry -- History -- 20th century. 4
Textile industry -- South Carolina -- Newry. 4
Textile workers -- South Carolina. 4
∧ less
Clemson University 99
Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003 41
Edwards, Robert C. (Robert Cook) 34
Clemson University. Office of the President 25
Poole, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1893-1958 25
∨ more
Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972 22
Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina 19
Atchley, B.L. (Bill L.) 15
Littlejohn, James C. (James Corcoran) 15
Clemson University. Board of Trustees 14
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan, 1916-2005 14
Sikes, Enoch Walter, 1868-1941 14
Brown, Walter J. 13
Brown, Edgar A. (Edgar Allan), 1888-1975 12
Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850 12
Clemson, Thomas Green, 1807-1888 12
Blatt, Solomon, 1896-1986 11
Johnston, Olin D. (Olin Dewitt), 1896-1965 11
Clemson University. Extension Service 10
Hollings, Ernest F., 1922-2019 10
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 10
Maybank, Burnet R. (Burnet Rhett), 1899-1954 10
Riggs, Walter M. (Walter Merritt), 1873-1924 10
United States. National Park Service 10
Gantt, Harvey B. (Harvey Bernard), 1943- 9
IPTAY (Organization) 9
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 9
Stevenson, Mary, 1902-1998 9
Anderson, Luther Perdee 8
Cox, Walter T. (Walter Thompson), 1918-2006 8
Long, William Williams, 1861-1934 8
Reagan, Ronald 8
Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971 8
Trevillian, Wallace D. (Wallace Dabney) 8
Buzhardt, J. Fred (Joseph Fred), 1924-1978 7
Calhoun family 7
Clemson family 7
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, 1887-1966 7
Daniel, Charles E. (Charles Ezra), 1895-1964 7
Dent, Harry S. , 1930-2007 7
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 7
Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998 7
Howard, Frank, 1909-1996 7
Jervey, Frank J. (Frank Johnstone), 1893-1983 7
Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817 7
Talmadge, Herman E. (Herman Eugene), 1913-2002 7
Timmerman, George Bell, 1912-1994 7
Calhoun, F.H.H. (Fred Harvey Hall), 1873-1959 6
Clemson University. Department of Textiles 6
Clemson University. Office of Admissions and Registration 6
Evans, Samuel Wilds, 1882-1950 6
Farrar, M.D. (Milton Dyer), 1901-1977 6
Holmes, Alester G. (Alester Garden), 1876-1953 6
Hunter, B. G., 1888-1989 6
Hurst, Victor 6
J.E. Sirrine Textile Foundation 6
McLellan, Bill 6
Milliken, Roger, 1915-2010 6
O'Dell, Wayne Talmadge 6
Schaffer, Alan 6
Senn, T. L. (Taze Leonard), 1917-2016 6
Tillman, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Ryan), 1847-1918 6
United States. Department of Agriculture 6
Albright, Horace M. (Horace Marden), 1890-1987 5
Atlantic Coast Conference 5
Barre, H. W. (Henry Walter), 1881-1969 5
Brown, Hugh M. (Hugh Monroe), 1895- 5
Clemson University. Athletic Council 5
Clemson University. College of Agricultural Sciences 5
Clemson University. College of Architecture 5
Clemson University. College of Forest and Recreation Resources 5
Clemson University. College of Industrial Management and Textile Science 5
Clemson University. Department of Forestry 5
Clemson University. Department of Industrial Management 5
Efland, Thomas D. 5
Furman, Alester G. (Alester Garden) 5
Godley, W.C. (Willie Cecil) 5
Hartzog, George B., Jr., 1920-2008 5
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 5
Hubbard, Julius C. 5
J.P. Stevens & Co. 5
Lennon, Max, 1940- 5
Maxwell, David, 1927- 5
Mills, W.H. (William Hayne), 1872-1942 5
Quattlebaum, Paul, 1886-1964 5
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 5
Robertson, Ben, 1903-1943 5
Self, James Cuthbert, 1876-1955 5
Simpson, R.W. (Richard Wright), 1840-1912 5
South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station 5
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education 5
South Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association 5
Thurmond, Jean Crouch, 1926-1960 5
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 5
United States. Congress. Senate 5
Amacher, Ryan C. 4
Aull, G.H. (George Hubert), 1899- 4
Batson, Louis Pinckney 4
Box, Benton H. (Benton Holcomb), 1931- 4
Brackett, Richard Newman, 1863-1937 4
∧ less
English 623
Duala 1