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Communications Center Film Library Collection

Identifier: Series-0099

Scope and Content Note

This series contains approximately 883 reels of films that were held by the film library of the Clemson University Communications Center. Included in the series are film prints, negatives, outtakes, video tracks and audio tracks both magnetic and optical. Although much of the films were intended for broadcast television, some are film prints. Most films were produced by the Communications Center and relate to Clemson University; the rest were obtained through the Educational Film Service or purchased.

Titles of films are indicated in italics. If films had no titles or production credits, subjects were assigned by the Communications Center. These subjects have been retained. All running times for video clips are shown in minutes. Running times have not been assigned for audio tracks.


  • 1932-2000


Restrictions on Use

There are no restrictions on use and access. Items may be reproduced by various means in accordance with Unit policies.

Historical Note

1967-1981, University Communications Center created, Harry Durham, Director

1980 (June), Electronic and Photographic Services created, James Burns, Director, and administered by the Office of University Relations

1984, Frank A. Nix, Acting Director

1985, Roger Koonce, Director

2001, Albert C. Littlejohn, Director

2005 (August), renamed Video Production Services

Before the creation of the University Communications Center in 1967, news related functions and activities were carried out by Auxiliary Enterprises and the University News Bureau. In 1967, the Communications Center was created to serve increasing internal needs of the University and to inform the public of University programs and activities. The Communications Center also produced materials for classroom use; these included photographs, films, and audio recordings. More than fifty weekly radio features were broadcast by twenty-five stations throughout the state. In the 1980s, the Communications Center expanded the services it provided: audio and video for television and radio, cinematography, multi-media presentations, photographic services, graphic design, video-teleconferencing, and equipment loans. In 1991 a statewide system of satellite receiving sites were installed and satellite programming, known as AgSat, was offered. The advent of digital technology witnessed a revolution in photography and video production processes which, by the late 1990s, necessitated a total reorganization and restructuring of the Communications Center.


102 Cubic Feet (883 reels of 16 mm film)

Language of Materials



This series contains 16mm film held by the film library of the Communications Center of Clemson University.


Notes have been provided for information about the format of the film. The following abbreviations are used:

a: audio track only, no video

b: black and white

c: color

o: outtakes-- scenes not included in the final film print

OS: oversize film

p: print, or, finished film

psa: public service announcement

s: silent

t: tracks-- audio and video are on separate reels

v: video-- video track only, no audio

wp: workprint, not a final version of the film

Notes have been provided for information about the format of the film. The following abbreviations are used:

a: audio track only, no video

b: black and white

c: color

o: outtakes-- scenes not included in the final film print

OS: oversize film

p: print, or, finished film

psa: public service announcement

s: silent

t: tracks-- audio and video are on separate reels

v: video-- video track only, no audio

wp: workprint, not a final version of the film

Films are arranged alphabetically by title. Most are stored in boxes, but an item number of OS-x indicates oversize film. No box number is necessary when requesting oversize film. The original order of the films has been lost; however, the following classification may help the user to locate films on specific subjects:

I. Agriculture

II. History

A. World and United States

B. State and local

III. Clemson University

A. Administration

B. Agricultural topics

C. Architecture

D. Athletics

a. Baseball

b. Basketball

c. Fencing

d. Football

e. Swimming

f. Related topics (e.g. recruiting, Tigerama)

E. Campus views

F. Computer technology

G. Engineering

H. Extension (includes 4-H and Home Demonstration)

I. Hobcaw (Belle Baruch Institute)

J. Music


L. Students and alumni

M. Textiles

N. Related topics

IV. Unidentified


This series contains accessions 01-86, 05-55, 03-172, and 10-17.

Processing Information

This collection was processed by student assistants Jennifer Lightweis, Anthony Maulion, and Amit Jain, and University Archivist Dennis Taylor. The finding aid was completed in March 2006; updated March 2010.

Communications Center Film Library Collection
In Progress
2010 August 9
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Repository

230 Kappa St.
Clemson SC 29634 U.S.A. US