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Showing Collections: 201 - 210 of 625

Edwin B. Craighead Presidential Records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Series-0024

This series contains one letter from President Craighead dated 1895 and a card containing biographical and personnel information.

Dates: 1895 - 1895

Edythe Lambert Papers

Identifier: Mss-0315
Scope and Contents The papers include correspondence, financial records, minutes, and photographs. The papers document primarily Edythe Lambert's work with the American Association of University Women's Clemson Branch and South Carolina Division, the Clemson Child Development Center, and Clemson Congregations in Touch. These organizations fostered the advancement of women; early childhood education in the Clemson area; and community support through a food bank, free clinic, and education programs. The latter...
Dates: 1966 - 2004; 1977 - 2004

Elijah Webb Brown Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Mss-0131
Scope and Contents The papers include 14 letters from Elijah Webb Brown to his wife written during his service in the Confederate Army from 1861-1864 and one letter written in 1880. In addition, there are three other letters from family members and the United Daughters of the Confederacy certificate of Eula Brown Hart, which explains the participation of Elijah Webb Brown and other family members in the Civil War. Also included are fragments of rough draft of family history and a paper written by great...
Dates: 1856-1964; 1861 - 1864

Elizabeth Porcher Ravenel biographical sketches

 Collection — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Identifier: Mss-0009
Scope and Contents Short biographical sketches of Elizabeth Porcher Ravenel (1858-1936) by her niece, Nannie Ravenel Fulton and her great-niece, Agnes Adger Mansfield, prepared for the dedication of a window in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Clemson, South Carolina. Agnes Adger Mansfield's sketch is a 8 page letter to the rector, John W. Arrington III, May 26, 1967; Nannie Ravenel Fulton's is a 3 page sketch, c. June 1967. Also included are two church programs, dates June 18 and July 2, 1967 from Holy Trinity...
Dates: May-July 1967

Ella Lorton Lee Journal

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Mss-0320
Scope and Contents The collection consists of a bound journal kept by Ella Lorton Lee from April 1, 1865 until December 31, 1892. It was written in what might have been a law student's journal (her brother's name appears on the cover page). The entries appear on pages 25 through 73, with pages 63 through 66 having been cut out. Lee discussed religious topics, her childhood visits to Florida, the end of the Civil War and what became of Pendleton and the surrounding area under "Yankee" occupation, and her social...
Dates: 1865 - 1932; 1865 - 1876

Joseph C. Ellers Collection

Identifier: Mss-0325

Writer and professional consultant Joseph C. Ellers conducted a series of research interviews in the mid 1980s for his book "Getting To Know Clemson University Is Quite An Education: Determination Makes Dreams Come True."

The interviews focus on key events that shaped the progress and development of Clemson University during the presidency of Robert C. Edwards (1958-1979).

Dates: 1985-1988, undated

Emeritus College

Identifier: Series-0220

End of Japan

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Mss-0374
Abstract The End of Japan is a memoir by William Burton who served in the maintenance units of the 3rd and 20th Armored Divisions and the ordnance section of headquarters for the 2nd and 8th Armies. The collection is important in that it provides information on early World War II training of U.S. armored units, a view from the headquarters of the 8th Army of the campaigns in New Guinea and Leyte Island in the Philippines, and the occupation of Japan just after the end of the war....
Dates: 1989

Enoch W. Sikes Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: Mss-0323
Scope and Contents The collection contains three black and white positive prints: one of Sikes and an unidentified boy; one of Sikes along with V. Dickson Sikes and four children (unidentified); and the other of Sikes with V. Dickson Sikes, Van[n] Sikes and unidentified women and a child. There is a newspaper clipping about E.W. Sikes' death from the Monroe Journal (North Carolina) dated January 10, 1941. The collection also contains a typewritten Sikes family history compiled...
Dates: 1941-1983

Enoch Walter Sikes Presidential Records - Collected Reference and Research Material

Identifier: Series-0004
Scope and Contents This series contains materials not maintained in the correspondence files of Sikes. Among the materials are articles and reprints from various sources that Sikes collected for reference purposes and for use in his writing. One collected item of note is a manuscript thought to be a source Sikes was using to write a book on the history of Baptists in South Carolina. Other items, including a poem written by Mrs. Sikes, were removed from Sikes' desk at the time of his death in 1941 and were...
Dates: 1869 - 1940

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Photographs. 44
Correspondence. 19
Scrapbooks. 19
Agriculture -- South Carolina. 16
Pendleton (S.C.) -- History. 16
∨ more
Audiocassettes. 15
Textile industry -- South Carolina. 14
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. 13
Account books 12
Agricultural extension work -- South Carolina. 12
Clemson University -- History 12
Fort Hill Plantation (S.C.) 12
Maps (documents) 11
Speeches (documents) 11
Clemson (S.C.) -- History. 10
College trustees -- South Carolina. 10
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1951- 9
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. -- South Carolina 8
Clippings (information artifacts) 8
Daybooks 8
Advertisements 7
Diaries. 7
Education -- South Carolina. 7
Forests and forestry -- South Carolina. 7
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Pendleton. 7
Minutes 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
Anderson County (S.C.) -- History. 6
Architectural drawings (visual works) 6
Civil rights -- South Carolina. 6
Hartwell Dam (Ga. and S.C.) 6
Historic buildings -- South Carolina. 6
Journals (accounts) 6
Oconee County (S.C.) -- History. 6
Pendleton (S.C.) 6
South Carolina -- Biography. 6
South Carolina -- Genealogy. 6
South Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 6
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950 6
South Carolina -- Politics and government. 6
South Carolina. -- Architecture 6
Textile factories -- History -- Sources. -- South Carolina 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States. 6
Articles 5
Blueprints (reprographic copies) 5
Clemson University -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Commencement ceremonies -- South Carolina -- Clemson. 5
Conservation of natural resources. 5
Deeds 5
Elections -- South Carolina. 5
Galley proofs 5
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Pickens County. 5
Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration. 5
Land use. 5
Motion pictures (visual works) 5
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) -- South Carolina. 5
South Carolina -- History -- 1865- 5
South Carolina -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865. 5
South Carolina -- Race relations. 5
United States -- National parks and reserves -- Management 5
Accounts 4
African Americans -- South Carolina. 4
Agricultural education -- South Carolina. 4
Agriculture -- History. -- South Carolina 4
Agriculture -- Societies, etc. 4
Artifacts (object genre) 4
Audiotapes. 4
Certificates 4
Charleston (S.C.) -- History. 4
Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) -- History. 4
Constitutions 4
Genealogies (histories) 4
Governors -- South Carolina 4
Greenville (S.C.) -- History 4
Historic buildings -- South Carolina -- Anderson County. 4
Hobcaw Barony (S.C.) 4
Home economics extension work -- South Carolina. 4
Industries -- South Carolina. 4
Ledgers (account books) 4
Lynching -- South Carolina. 4
Microfilms 4
National parks and reserves -- United States -- Planning 4
Patents. 4
Pendleton (S.C.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 4
Pendleton (S.C.) -- Genealogy. 4
Pickens County (S.C.) -- History. 4
Plantations -- South Carolina. 4
Posters. 4
Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1964 4
Prisoners of war -- United States. 4
Seneca (S.C.) -- History. 4
Sketches 4
Slavery -- South Carolina. 4
South Carolina -- History. 4
South Carolina. -- 4-H clubs 4
States' rights (American politics) 4
Textile industry -- History -- 20th century. 4
Textile industry -- South Carolina -- Newry. 4
Textile workers -- South Carolina. 4
∧ less
Clemson University 99
Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003 41
Edwards, Robert C. (Robert Cook) 34
Clemson University. Office of the President 25
Poole, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1893-1958 25
∨ more
Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972 22
Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina 19
Atchley, B.L. (Bill L.) 15
Littlejohn, James C. (James Corcoran) 15
Clemson University. Board of Trustees 14
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan, 1916-2005 14
Sikes, Enoch Walter, 1868-1941 14
Brown, Walter J. 13
Brown, Edgar A. (Edgar Allan), 1888-1975 12
Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850 12
Clemson, Thomas Green, 1807-1888 12
Blatt, Solomon, 1896-1986 11
Johnston, Olin D. (Olin Dewitt), 1896-1965 11
Clemson University. Extension Service 10
Hollings, Ernest F., 1922-2019 10
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 10
Maybank, Burnet R. (Burnet Rhett), 1899-1954 10
Riggs, Walter M. (Walter Merritt), 1873-1924 10
United States. National Park Service 10
Gantt, Harvey B. (Harvey Bernard), 1943- 9
IPTAY (Organization) 9
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 9
Stevenson, Mary, 1902-1998 9
Anderson, Luther Perdee 8
Cox, Walter T. (Walter Thompson), 1918-2006 8
Long, William Williams, 1861-1934 8
Reagan, Ronald 8
Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971 8
Trevillian, Wallace D. (Wallace Dabney) 8
Buzhardt, J. Fred (Joseph Fred), 1924-1978 7
Calhoun family 7
Clemson family 7
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, 1887-1966 7
Daniel, Charles E. (Charles Ezra), 1895-1964 7
Dent, Harry S. , 1930-2007 7
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 7
Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998 7
Howard, Frank, 1909-1996 7
Jervey, Frank J. (Frank Johnstone), 1893-1983 7
Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817 7
Talmadge, Herman E. (Herman Eugene), 1913-2002 7
Timmerman, George Bell, 1912-1994 7
Calhoun, F.H.H. (Fred Harvey Hall), 1873-1959 6
Clemson University. Department of Textiles 6
Clemson University. Office of Admissions and Registration 6
Evans, Samuel Wilds, 1882-1950 6
Farrar, M.D. (Milton Dyer), 1901-1977 6
Holmes, Alester G. (Alester Garden), 1876-1953 6
Hunter, B. G., 1888-1989 6
Hurst, Victor 6
J.E. Sirrine Textile Foundation 6
McLellan, Bill 6
Milliken, Roger, 1915-2010 6
O'Dell, Wayne Talmadge 6
Schaffer, Alan 6
Senn, T. L. (Taze Leonard), 1917-2016 6
Tillman, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Ryan), 1847-1918 6
United States. Department of Agriculture 6
Albright, Horace M. (Horace Marden), 1890-1987 5
Atlantic Coast Conference 5
Barre, H. W. (Henry Walter), 1881-1969 5
Brown, Hugh M. (Hugh Monroe), 1895- 5
Clemson University. Athletic Council 5
Clemson University. College of Agricultural Sciences 5
Clemson University. College of Architecture 5
Clemson University. College of Forest and Recreation Resources 5
Clemson University. College of Industrial Management and Textile Science 5
Clemson University. Department of Forestry 5
Clemson University. Department of Industrial Management 5
Efland, Thomas D. 5
Furman, Alester G. (Alester Garden) 5
Godley, W.C. (Willie Cecil) 5
Hartzog, George B., Jr., 1920-2008 5
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 5
Hubbard, Julius C. 5
J.P. Stevens & Co. 5
Lennon, Max, 1940- 5
Maxwell, David, 1927- 5
Mills, W.H. (William Hayne), 1872-1942 5
Quattlebaum, Paul, 1886-1964 5
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel), 1905-1970 5
Robertson, Ben, 1903-1943 5
Self, James Cuthbert, 1876-1955 5
Simpson, R.W. (Richard Wright), 1840-1912 5
South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station 5
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education 5
South Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association 5
Thurmond, Jean Crouch, 1926-1960 5
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 5
United States. Congress. Senate 5
Amacher, Ryan C. 4
Aull, G.H. (George Hubert), 1899- 4
Batson, Louis Pinckney 4
Box, Benton H. (Benton Holcomb), 1931- 4
Brackett, Richard Newman, 1863-1937 4
∧ less
English 624
Duala 1